Below you'll find some fun JavaScript projects and components that
I've worked on here and there. I hope you find them interesting
and/or useful.
If you want to use any of the code you see here on
your own pages, feel free to grab away. If you could shoot me an
email and let me know that you grabbed some stuff, though, that would
be cool... it would make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and stuff.
Dueling Selects
An easy way to select multiple items from a list.
Appending Dueling Selects
An alternate way to select multiple items from a list.
Custom Dialogs
Replacements for the standard alert and confirmation dialog boxes.
A fun fireworks display. Demonstrates JScript timer and positioning features. (IE Only)
Basketball Game v.1
Bounce the basketball around your browser window. Another good demo of JScript timer and positioning features. (IE Only)
Basketball Game v.2
A much more full-featured version of the basketball game. (IE Only)